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CANTIENICA® Pelvic Floor Training

As a three-layered muscle network, the pelvic floor closes off the pelvis at the bottom and links its muscles with the entire trunk and leg musculature. Whether you are sitting, standing, lying or walking, your pelvic floor is in action around the clock, especially its innermost and most important layer, the levator ani. In the "human skyscraper", this organ lifter, which sits like a shell between the two pelvic scoops, is the lower intermediate storey.
The upper interstice is your diaphragm, which arches up like an umbrella in the lower part of the ribcage. It cushions the weight of the ribcage and thus relieves the abdominal organs and the pelvic floor.
Without the support of the diaphragm, the pelvic floor cannot do its job - coordinating your movements. It cannot withstand the pressure from above and slackens over time. With unpleasant consequences for health and beauty: organs sink, connective tissue loses its stability, all kinds of bad posture and deformities occur.
CANTIENICA® pelvic floor training teaches you how to activate the levator ani and your diaphragm and bring your body into balance. CANTIENICA® pelvic floor training optimises your posture, gives you effortless mobility and prevents signs of wear and tear. Experience stability, lightness and a whole new level of body happiness! 

Regular training helps with
• Bladder weakness, incontinence
• Menstrual cramps
• Organ prolapse
• Haemorrhoids, lymphatic congestion
• Back pain
• Osteoarthritis or deformation of the hip joints
• Malpositions of all kinds, pelvic obliquity
• Rectus diastasis, prolapse, hernias, inguinal hernias
This is what you get
• Natural movements that are easy on the joints
• Better body awareness
• A harmonious silhouette
• More self-confidence and charisma
• More resilience and stamina
• An exercise concept suitable for everyday life
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